Silent Valley

Sirendhri...  Kunthi river... Bhavani River... Palaruvi in Silent Valley...

Kunthi river
Silent Valley National Park (Core zone: 236.74 square kilometres (91 sq mi) is located in the Nilgiri Hills, Palakkad District in Kerala, South India. The area in this national park was historically explored in 1847 by the botanist Robert Wight.

Kunthi river

The area is locally known as "Sairandhrivanam" literally, in Malayalam: Sairandhri's Forest. In local Hindu legend, Sairandhri is Draupadi, the polyandrous wife of the five Pandavas, who disguised herself as Sairandhri, queen Sudeshna's assistant, while they were in exile.

Palaruvi in Silent Valley

Silent Valley falls within the revenue districts of Palakkad and Malappuram within the 76º 24’ and 76º 29’ East Longitude and 11º 4’ and 11º 13’.  North Latitude.

Palaruvi in Silent Valley forest

Bhavani River, flows towards east, originated from Siarandhri forests 

Attapady, fogy way to Silent Valley

Attapady forest ranges,journey to Silent Valley on 3rd Aug 2014

Journey to Silent Valley with My old car Ford Figo KL 01 AY 675. A fogy hair pin curve in Attapady ranges

On the way to Attapady on 15th April 2015, the Vishu day.

In the middle of the hanging wire bridge along the Kundi river in Sairandhri on 15th April 2015

In the watch tower in Sailant Valley on 15-4-15

 Kundi river in Sairanthri forest- a close-up view

 On the hanging wire bridge across the Kundi river on 15-4-15, the Vishu day in Kerala

Stone in Silant Valley showing he declaration of it as a National Garden/ National Park